Day Five: Kingdom Oriented
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 is the catalyst for our prayer time during this year’s Week of Prayer. This verse calls us to humbly embrace our weakness and at the same time to hope in God’s powerful provision.
Each day’s prompts for prayer will flow out of our 3 Core Values at OMPC: Grace Driven, Relationally Authentic and Kingdom Oriented.
Today and tomorrow we are emphasizing the value of being Kingdom Oriented. We want to recognize that followers of Jesus and recipients of grace move out in mission & desire his Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10).
Pray that we will pray. When Jesus told his disciples to consider how vast is the harvest, he told them to first pray earnestly for laborers (Mt. 9:37). This highlights how helpless we are and how our first strategy in life and ministry must be prayer. So pray that our lives, families, work places and ministries will be integrated with prayer.
We also encourage you to utilize our Discipleship Hour of Prayer Guide for Ministry Prayers. Today, Pray for our Missions & Mobilization Ministries at OMPC. See specific Prayers for these ministries below, and click the button to access the full ministry prayer guide.
Pray that over this next year each member of OMPC would grow to have a deeper understanding of the missional heart of God – growing in the kingdom deployment of our time, talents, and treasures. Pray that we would see at least 5 additional members mobilized into ministry – local/US/Global. And pray that our ministry partners would experience a season of unexpected, even unprecedented personal & ministry fruitfulness as we continue to pray for them.
Pray for our new mobilization team - that God would establish the work of our hands as we seek to help our members engage every neighbor with the surprising power of grace, pointing people to Jesus.