Day Six: Kingdom Oriented
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 is the catalyst for our prayer time during this year’s Week of Prayer. This verse calls us to humbly embrace our weakness and at the same time to hope in God’s powerful provision.
Each day’s prompts for prayer will flow out of our 3 Core Values at OMPC: Grace Driven, Relationally Authentic and Kingdom Oriented.
This last day of prayer we are thinking specifically about our impact over the fence, over the mountain and overseas.
Pray for one person by name who is not connected to the gospel or a church where you live, work and play (“over the fence”).
Go to the Missions page on our website ( and pray for one ministry we are involved in locally or globally.
Pray for our annual Faith Promise (specific fund toward Missions) to be given generously and that we may be equipped to support our Ministry Partners all around the world (Acts 2:42-45).
We also encourage you to utilize our Discipleship Hour of Prayer Guide for Ministry Prayers. Today, Pray for our Newcomers, Outreach Ministry and Life Groups at OMPC. See specific Prayers for these ministries below, and click the button to access the full ministry prayer guide.
Pray that we would have a church-wide culture of hospitality in the love of welcoming guests on Sunday mornings. Pray that we would be renewed in our understanding of the welcoming heart of the Father for us (Rom. 15:7). And pray that we’ll find creative ways to connect newcomers to the gospel, life groups and membership.
Pray that we would pray privately and in community for those who don’t know Jesus and for each member to invite one non- believing or unchurched person into our community or into God’s Word this Fall.
Pray for Life Groups to rally around our aim to see Jesus and the surprising power of grace through loving others well together. Pray also for Life Group leaders to be encouraged in their leadership and for God to raise up more leaders for groups.