Holy Week at OMPC
to Apr 20

Holy Week at OMPC

Worship the Savior during Holy Week at OMPC! This year’s theme will center around the Savior of Significance.

PALM SUNDAY, April 13, 8:15 & 10:45 am: We will kick off the week with our Palm Sunday Worship Service called Faithful Still, led by the OMPC Worship Choir. This service will center our hearts on our faithful, prophesied Shepherd of Significance.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 17, 6:30 pm: Our Maundy Thursday Service will focus on the New Covenant made through the blood of Christ. We’ll take communion together reflecting on this Covenant of Significance.

GOOD FRIDAY, April 18, 12:00 pm: Worship and reflect on Good Friday during our service at 12:00 pm. We’ll reflect on this Sacrifice of Significance made on our behalf. This service will last 45 minutes and will dismiss in silent reflection.

OAK KIDS EGGSTRAVAGANZA, April 19, 10:30 am: Join us for a community-wide children’s event at our Annual Oak Kids Eggstravaganza! The event will begin with a gathering in the Sanctuary for a time of singing and a lesson on the Easter story. All families will be led out to the Soccer Field for an age group organized egg grab! Following the egg grab, we encourage all families to stick around for inflatables and food trucks and enjoy time together!

EASTER SUNDAY, April 20, 8:15 & 10:45 am: Worship the Risen Savior with us on Easter! Worship services are held at 8:15 & 10: 45 am. OMPC Lead Pastor Caleb Click will preach on Jesus’ Life of Significance - through his life, death and resurrection!

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Maundy Thursday Service

Maundy Thursday Service

Our Maundy Thursday Service will focus on the New Covenant made through the blood of Christ. We’ll take communion together reflecting on this Covenant of Significance. Join us at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. No childcare will be provided, but we encourage families to worship together during this service.

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

Worship and reflect on Good Friday during our service at 12:00 pm. We’ll reflect on this Sacrifice of Significance made on our behalf. This service will last 45 minutes and will dismiss in silent reflection.

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Oak Kids Eggstravaganza

Oak Kids Eggstravaganza

Join us for a community-wide children’s event at our Annual Oak Kids Eggstravaganza! The event will begin with a gathering in the Sanctuary for a time of singing and a lesson on the Easter story. All families will be led out to the Soccer Field for an age group organized egg grab! Following the egg grab, we encourage all families to stick around for inflatables and lunch! This year in lieu of food trucks, lunch will be provided and sold by the OMPC Youth House as they raise funds to help pay for their upcoming Mission Trip to Costa Rica this Summer. 

We need treat-filled eggs! Donate eggs toward the Oak Kids Eggstravaganza to help make this community-wide event a success. Bring eggs and place them in buckets around the church, or order through the Oak Kids Amazon link below.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Services at 8:15 & 10:45 am
Discipleship Classes at 9:30 am

Worship the Risen Savior with us on Easter! Worship services are held at 8:15 & 10:45 am. OMPC Lead Pastor Caleb Click will preach on Jesus’ Life of Significance - through his life, death and resurrection! Childcare is provided for nursery & preschool children during the 8:15 & 10:45 am services. Discipleship classes meet for children, youth and adults at 9:30 am (Click here for more info!) and our K-2nd Grade kids are dismissed for Kids Worship before the sermon of the 10:45 am Service.

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Seeing Jesus Together: 2025 Church-wide Bible Reading Plan and Journal
to Dec 31

Seeing Jesus Together: 2025 Church-wide Bible Reading Plan and Journal

Each year, the OMPC Senior Leadership Team chooses a devotional or reading plan to encourage our congregation to spend daily time with the Lord and in His Word. Last year (2024), we encouraged our membership to use the Seeing Jesus Together Journal to read and meditate through the New Testament (with a Psalm on Saturdays). This year, we encourage you to continue using this journal, and we’ve provided a plan that includes readings in the Old Testament, New Testament, and a daily passage for meditation.

Journals are available for pickup on Sunday Mornings - one free journal per household. Additional journals can be purchased for $15/each. Check out the content below for resources in utilizing the journal effectively in 2025!

Info: Chad Walker

  • Click here for journaling instructions.

  • Click here for the Emotions Wheel.

  • Click here for journal Appendices.

  • Click Here for a Sample Journaling Guide.

  • Click Here for 2024 SJT Podcast Links.

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One-Service Sunday

One-Service Sunday

March 23 is a One-Service Sunday at 10:45 am only to kick off Spring Break in our area. Discipleship Classes and Kids Worship will not meet on this day, and only Nursery & Preschool will be provided for childcare. In addition, Sunday Evening Activities will not meet on this date. All Sunday morning and evening activities will resume on March 30!

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Kids Musical

Kids Musical

Due to predicted storms on Saturday, we've decided to move our Kids Musical to Sunday evening at 5:30 pm. In light of this change, please note the following for your Sunday Evening Activities Planning: 

  • There will be NO ROCK or JrHi, but we all Life Groups to come to the Kids Musical (with your kids ages Preschool-8th grade!) to support our Kids Choir. We will offer the Nursery for those who are attending the Kids Musical. 

  • Newcomer's Life Group will not be meeting (but we encourage newcomers to attend the musical!)

  • SrHi will meet at 7:00 pm, per the usual schedule. 

  • We encourage all members and guests to come to Sunday Evening's performance by the Kids Choir called, Coming Home

Come support our Kids Choir this Spring!

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Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

One of our Values at OMPC is to be “Relationally Authentic.” We strive to be a place of restoration AND strength; a community where we can be honest about our brokenness AND call one another to the hope that is promised in Christ.

Join us for “Strength in Weakness,” an evening to gather together and hear from a panel of women who will share how the Lord has met and continues to meet them in their times of greatest need. Our prayer through this gathering is that we would see how our stories of brokenness lead us to the strength that can only be found in Jesus, and that we would walk forward in hope together. 

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Global Missions Conference
to Mar 2

Global Missions Conference

The 2025 Global Missions Conference is an opportunity to be inspired and encouraged to participate in Missions through OMPC. We take time out of our regular Sunday worship schedule to hear from our global ministry partners, learn about God’s work through our Faith Promise giving, and connect with what the Lord is doing through our prayers, our gifts and our participation all across the world!

Take a look at the schedule image below and join us for these Missions-themed events, we have something for everyone!

On Sunday, March 2, we’ll focus on Faith Promise and God’s work through our gifts given above and beyond the general tithe toward global missions. Click the links below to access our events as well as the main Missions Conference page.

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Seeing Jesus Together Journal Training Lunch

Seeing Jesus Together Journal Training Lunch

As we start a new year, we are encouraging everyone to experience the renewing power of the gospel through regular Bible reading and meditation using the Seeing Jesus Together Journal. But we also know there are unique challenges for all of us in cultivating that practice. 
Come be equipped and encouraged  through a training with Ted Sinn after worship on January 26 in S-180. Lunch is provided for $5 per person and registration is limited.

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One Service Sunday

One Service Sunday

Join us for one service only on Sunday, December 29! Our 9:30 am Discipleship Classes will not be meeting, and only Nursery & Preschool are provided for childcare. We'll resume with our regular Sunday Morning schedule next "year" on January 5!

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Christmas Eve at OMPC

Christmas Eve at OMPC

Celebrate Christmas Eve at OMPC! Services are at 5:00 & 6:30 pm. We encourage families with children of all ages to worship with us (our childcare workers worship with their families on Christmas Eve as well!). The 5:00 pm service is our family-friendly service and our 6:30 pm is our candlelight service. Invite family, friends and neighbors and worship with us on Christmas Eve!

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Manger Throne

Manger Throne

Hope is an expectation that desires will be met, but when we take our eyes off of Jesus our longings become disillusionment. Advent reminds us of the long story of God's people, longing for the fulfillment of a covenant of deliverance. This longing is met in the person and deity of Jesus, who came to breathe our air, to die a sinner's death on our behalf and to give us a fresh hope for renewal as a signal to the nations of God's grace and goodness. We invite you to experience hope this Advent as we celebrate our King Jesus who made His throne in a manger before establishing Himself a throne in our hearts.

Join us at 8:15 or 10:45 am for Manger Throne, our Christmas Season Worship Service, led by the OMPC Worship Ministry.

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Women's Christmas Event: Prodigal Pottery

Women's Christmas Event: Prodigal Pottery

Kick off the Christmas Season with the women of OMPC at our Prodigal Pottery Christmas Event! Our US Ministry Partner, King's Home, will share about what the Lord is doing locally here in Birmingham. We will also make a clay Christmas ornament led by Prodigal Pottery, a ministry out of King's Home. Prodigal Pottery supports women in need who are fleeing homelessness, domestic abuse and sex-trafficking by employing, equipping and empowering them in the name of Jesus. 

The $25 registration cost will cover supplies from Prodigal Pottery to lead us in this impactful Christmas Event. We hope you will bring a friend and join us for this time of fellowship and encouragement with the Women's Ministry at OMPC!

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Advent at OMPC
to Dec 25

Advent at OMPC

Worship with OMPC during the Advent Season! Our sermon series is called “Emmanuel” and we’ll dive into Luke 1 & 2 looking at how from a manger came a king, a deliverer, the Savior came to bring us hope, to shepherd us into the presence of our heavenly Father.

Services at 8:15 & 10:45 am, with our special Christmas Worship Service called “Manger Throne” on December 15. This service is led by the OMPC Worship Choir.

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Men's Wild Game Night

Men's Wild Game Night

All men are invited to join us at the Lindsey Farm in Leeds for a night of great food, fellowship, vision casting. Bring any meat you'd like to grill yourself, the beverages you'd like to drink & a chair. We'll supply sides, water and tea. We'll have a speaker and cast vision for men's ministry. Register through the link below. Info: Dax Gibson

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Oak Kids Movie Night

Oak Kids Movie Night

Invite your friends and neighbors for Oak Kids Movie Night! Join us on the Soccer Field on Friday, November 8. We’ll have Popcorn and will show the movie Inside Out 2. This is a free event!

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Join us for the Fall Festival on Sunday evening, October 20! This church-wide/community-wide event will have rides, bouncy houses, food trucks, cotton candy and more! Invite your friends and neighbors and join us for this great Fall event.

If you’d like to learn more about US Missions at OMPC, be sure to connect with the US Ministry Partners who will be visiting, or stop by the Welcome Table to learn how to get involved in service over the fence and over the mountain.

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US Missions Conference
to Oct 14

US Missions Conference

The US Missions Conference at OMPC is an opportunity for our church to celebrate all God is doing in and through our US Ministry Partners as well as to consider ways that we can be mobilized into service over the fence and over the mountain.

On Sunday, October 13, we’ll kick off US Missions with guest speaker, Russ Whitfield, RUF Assistant Coordinator of Cross-Cultural Advancement. At 9:15 am, we encourage all to stop by the Missions Center for a US Missions Breakfast and the opportunity to connect with visiting US Ministry Partners before going to Discipleship Classes.

We’ll conclude our US Missions Conference with the Fall Festival on October 20! At the Festival. you will have more opportunities to hear from and connect with our US Ministry Partners.

Info: Morgan Nordyke, Missions Coordinator

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Gospel Waltz Journey Informational Lunch

Gospel Waltz Journey Informational Lunch

Save the Date for the Next Retreat: January 10-12, 2025

The Gospel Waltz Journey is an intentional discipleship experience (based on the Gospel Waltz paradigm) that is designed to be a life-giving resource and an opportunity for community to help people move out of the darkness of isolation into the light of who God created them to be.

The journey is a foundational Gospel 101 study which includes an introductory 3-day retreat and a team-oriented 9-week follow-up path, which includes curriculum for individual reflection and teams to process together.

Join us for lunch to learn more about this process, how to join a group and what to expect on this journey. Register through the link below!

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Growing in Grace: Women's Ministry Vision Event

Growing in Grace: Women's Ministry Vision Event

2 Peter 3:18 says "Grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory forever and ever."

Second Peter 3:18 commands us to grow in both the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. John wrote that the law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus. Both. Join the Women of OMPC as we fellowship, laugh, consider and pray for the women in our church to become engaged, equipped and empowered to serve in the diverse ministries of OMPC. 

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A Praying Life Seminar
to Sep 14

A Praying Life Seminar


Many of us are quietly defeated in our private prayer lives. We’ve tried praying, but it just doesn’t seem to work. So we feel a combination of frustration and guilt. In this seminar, we will learn step-by-step how to begin a private life of prayer in fellowship with our heavenly Father. This seminar is not for victorious Christians, but Christians who often find themselves defeated in the trenches. It deals with such practical questions as...

How do you stay focused when you are distracted with so much to do? How do you pray longer than five minutes?
How do you pray when your own life is messed up?
How do you ask when you’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work?

"The 'A Praying Life Seminar' is the most practical training in prayer possible. I highly recommend it."

- Tim Keller Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NYC

Join us for this two-day seminar led by Lyle Caswell, Founding Pastor of Christ Community Church in Lakeland, FL. This seminar will address the following key elements to learn in prayer:

  • Prayer as a relationship

  • Prayer as conversation

  • Prayer as tension

  • Problems in prayer

The cost is $10 until September 1; $15 until day-of Seminar. The cost includes materials, dinner Friday and breakfast Saturday.


Friday, September 13:
5:45 pm - Check-in and dinner
6:30 - 9:00 pm - Seminar

Saturday, September 14:
8:00 am - Continental breakfast
8:30 am - 12:30 pm - Seminar

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WSOM 25th Anniversary

WSOM 25th Anniversary

WSOM 25th Anniversary

Date: Friday, September 6

Time: 6:00–8:30 p.m. (Doors open at 5:30 p.m.)

Location: Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church

The evening will begin with a short program in the sanctuary, where we will give thanks to God for His steadfast love and guidance over the past 25 years. After the program, we will move outside for a time of fellowship, featuring dinner catered by Creekside BBQ, swing dancing to the tunes of Pineapple Skinners, dessert trucks, and the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

In addition to the Friday evening celebration, WSOM invites you to join us on Saturday morning, September 7, for a prayer walk. This will be a meaningful time to seek God’s continued blessings for Westminster as we embark on the next 25 years.

Click the links below to sign up for dinner and/or the Prayer Walk.

Dinner: https://www.westminsterknights.org/fs/form-manager/view/955c8d5f-a9a1-41bc-af2e-8d4db56c31a4

Prayer Walk: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvNBIUUML-AfDCzFdJ89u8wYaFHX9q4tIb5OXXKRqHOoDJ9g/viewform

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Women's Bible Studies
to Sep 30

Women's Bible Studies

Women’s Bible Studies begin the week of September 2! Take a look at the ones offered below and sign up through the link provided! Info: Lauren Cannon

Tabernacle: God With Us | Tuesdays, 7:00 pm, Pam Turner
The Tabernacle is one of the most clear and beautiful pictures in the Old Testament that points us to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. Join us on Tuesday nights as we see Jesus’ desire to dwell with his people and his plan for their salvation as illustrated through the Tabernacle and fulfilled in Christ.

Holy Spirit: We Are Not Orphans | Wednesdays, 10:00 am AND 7:00 pm, Sue Harris, S-180 (same study, two different time offerings)
Sometimes we shy away from considering the person, power and work of the Holy Spirit. But by the Spirit the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. By the Spirit the Word roots itself in the hearts of sinners and produces fruit. Join us on Wednesday evenings as we unpack passages throughout scripture that teach us deep truths about the Holy Spirit and His active, present and powerful role in our lives.

Revelation | Thursdays, 9:30 am, Christine Bracewell, S-180, Using the book “Revelation” by Jen Wilkin
Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is as accessible and helpful as any other book of the Bible. Study Revelation verse-by-verse to discover how the last book of the Bible is accessible, helpful, and speaks a steadying word of assurance and endurance to the church in every age.

Book of Colossians | Fridays, 11:00 am, Jessica Hale & Holly Mackle, S-180
Paul’s letter to the Colossians is a jewel of Christian scripture. Only 4 chapters long, its easy to read in one sitting, yet it provides stunning vistas of the perfections of Christ that few other New Testament documents can match in such a short space. Join us as we grow in the discipline of observing and meditating on God’s word in this 9-week bible study.

*If the cost of the book prohibits you from participating in a study, please email Lauren Cannon and she will coordinate your registration.

Click the button below to register for Bible Studies! Info: Lauren Cannon

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One-Service Sunday: Labor Day Weekend

One-Service Sunday: Labor Day Weekend

Join us for one service only on Labor Day Weekend! We’ll gather Sunday, September 1 at 10:45 am for Worship and teaching. Pastor of Outreach, Life Groups and Newcomers will preach on prayer, preparing our hearts for A Praying Life Seminar coming up September 13 & 14. Please note the following adjustments to this One-Service Sunday at OMPC:

  • Only 10:45 am Service is Meeting

  • 9:30 Discipleship Classes NOT Meeting (children, youth and adults)

  • Only Nursery & Preschool provided for Childcare

  • Kids Worship not meeting for K-2nd

  • Sunday Evening Activities NOT meeting (Kids Choir, ROCK, Life Groups, Youth House)

All normal Sunday morning and evening programming will resume September 8!

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Men's Fish Fry

Men's Fish Fry

Men of OMPC, join us for a Fish Fry and some fellowship on August 27. We'll enjoy being together over good food, consider some vision for men's ministry and hear a word from Tim Bennett, Director of Gospel Tree Ministries & OMPC Elder.   

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Compassion Groups at OMPC

Compassion Groups at OMPC

Compassion Groups are hosted by the Shepherding Ministry at OMPC and are ongoing opportunities to experience God's healing grace within a small group setting focused on a particular topic or area of struggle. Starting August 18, our Men's Anger Group meets weekly on Sundays at 3:00 pm in Room C-244, and the Grief Support Group meets Sundays at 3:30 pm in Room C-241. If you are interested in any group, please click the image above to fill out a registration interest form, and a member of our Shepherding Ministry staff will follow up with you.

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Fall Launch

Fall Launch

Save the date for Fall Launch at OMPC! Join us for worship at 8:15 or 10:45 am as Lead Pastor Caleb Click kicks off a new sermon series on the Book of Jonah. We’ll have new Adult Discipleship Classes at 9:30 am, along with Children’s and Youth Discipleship. All Children will move up to their next age group in discipleship, including Fall 2024 Kindergarten through 2nd graders moving up to 10:45 am Kids Worship.

Sunday Evening Activities also resume, with Kids Choir kickoff party at 4:30 pm in the Choir Room, The R.O.C.K. (for K-6th graders) and JrHi at 5:30 pm and SrHi at 7:00 pm in the Youth House. Many Life Groups will also kick off during our Sunday Evening Activities. Contact Dax Gibson to get connected to a group!


Click the image above to learn more about Compassion Groups offered at OMPC this Fall!

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YoPro The Table with Caleb Click

YoPro The Table with Caleb Click

Mark your calendar for our next YoPro gathering with Caleb Click, "The Table," at Seeds Coffee in Edgewood! This is a great time to gather for fellowship with other Young Professionals and teaching from Lead Pastor Caleb Click.

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Bullfrog Choir

Bullfrog Choir

Calling all men, fathers and sons to come sing (or croak!) on stage at our 21st annual Bullfrog Choir! Hop up on stage at the start of the countdown for the 10:45 am Service, and lead our congregation in worship on July 28. No singing experience necessary!

Info: Jason Sears

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OMPC Family Movie Night has been POSTPONED due to the likelihood of rain in the forecast on Thursday. While we are disappointed we cannot host “Christmas in July” this year, we look forward to rescheduling movie night in the future! Stay tuned for our rescheduled date!

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Sermon Series on The Book of Ruth

Sermon Series on The Book of Ruth

Join us Sunday, July 14 as Lead Pastor Caleb Click kicks off a new sermon series on the Book of Ruth. For the next five weeks, we’ll walk through chapter by chapter the story of God’s steadfast love to his people, and how his people can love others with the love they’ve received from God. Join us at 8:15 or 10:45 am July 14, 21, 28, August 4, and 11 for this series!

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Men’s Scripture + Fellowship
to Aug 1

Men’s Scripture + Fellowship

Men, join us for our Summer Scripture + Fellowship on Thursday mornings in July! We’ll gather in the Discover Room (C-242) at 7:00 am for a time of walking through Scripture using the Seeing Jesus Together Journal. Come as you are - we look forward to diving in the Word together this Summer! Info: Dax Gibson

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