Day Two: Grace Driven
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 is the catalyst for our prayer time during this year’s Week of Prayer. This verse calls us to humbly embrace our weakness and at the same time to hope in God’s powerful provision.
Each day’s prompts for prayer will flow out of our 3 Core Values at OMPC: Grace Driven, Relationally Authentic and Kingdom Oriented.
Today as we pray for OMPC and consider being Grace Driven for a second day, we are highlighting the horizontal impact of grace (Acts 20:24).
The word driven means to be propelled by or controlled by something. So in this value we're remembering that we want the propelling or controlling power of our lives and ministries to be grace (2 Cor. 5:14). Pray we will turn FROM reputation, success, approval or comfort as the motivational power of our ministry and we turn TO God's grace (Gal. 3:1-5)
It’s easy to slip into cynicism in prayer. Pray against the enemy’s lie that God is not good or that he is disinterested. Pray that we would not lose heart in prayer (Luke 18:1) and we’ll know his providence (Rom. 8:28) and care in the midst of hardship (Ps. 77).
Pray that we will all be quick to repent, have faith in his unchanging love and be full of hope in his transforming power. If he really has conquered sin and death we can hope our efforts are not in vain and that he’ll do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. (1 Cor. 15:58, Eph. 3:20).
We also encourage you to utilize our Discipleship Hour of Prayer Guide for Ministry Prayers. Today, Pray for our Shepherding Ministry, Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry at OMPC. See specific Prayers for these ministries below, and click the button to access the full ministry prayer guide.
Pray for the spiritual, emotional, and relational health of the Body of Christ at OMPC for all stages of life. Pray for those who have more focused shepherding care needs: counseling and/or pastoral care, as well as those participating in our Compassion Groups this fall - DivorceCare, GriefShare, Men’s Anger Group.
Pray for our Shepherding Elders and Women Shepherds - their encouragement as shepherd leaders, personal growth in Christ, and their love and example to the Body; that OMPC members are seen, heard, and spiritually cared for through them.
Pray for men to have a hunger for God and his Word and to have a vision to mentor/disciple others. Pray for the Holy Spirit to pour out blessings on our men’s studies, Battle for the Heart groups and Gospel Waltz groups.
Pray for the Women of OMPC to be revived in our hearts toward time with the Lord through worship, word and prayer. Pray that we will ask him to lead us to Repent-Believe-Fight on the dance floor of our lives, recognizing our position as adopted co- heirs with Christ and counting others as more significant than ourselves. Pray for the Women of OMPC who are having a hard time finding deep fellowship and community and that all women at OMPC would connect on a heart level with our places of fellowship and community that would testify to our culture that the church is family.
Pray for the Women of OMPC who are leading at OMPC (Women’s Shepherding Team members, Bible study leaders, CORE team, Beach team, missions team, Young Professionals, Seed Planters, LifeGroup Leaders). Pray that they will use their unique voice and make an impact through the roles where they serve.