Day Three: Relationally Authentic
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 is the catalyst for our prayer time during this year’s Week of Prayer. This verse calls us to humbly embrace our weakness and at the same time to hope in God’s powerful provision.
Each day’s prompts for prayer will flow out of our 3 Core Values at OMPC: Grace Driven, Relationally Authentic and Kingdom Oriented.
Today and tomorrow we are considering the value of being Relationally Authentic.
One of the first lies of the devil and consequences of sin are temptations to feel superior and prideful (Gen. 3:5) or to feel inferior and hide (Gen. 3:8). Pray that our ministries and families will be places of acceptance, friendship, compassion, and honesty.
Pray that we will have families and small groups where leadership will be the chief repenters and that we would learn the skill of speaking truth in love to one another.
We also encourage you to utilize our Discipleship Hour of Prayer Guide for Ministry Prayers. Today, Pray for our Forerunners, ParentU and Young Professionals Ministries at OMPC. See specific Prayers for these ministries below, and click the button to access the full ministry prayer guide.
Pray that the upcoming Forerunners events will be times of fellowship and encouragement and that more members will become involved as they seek connection.Pray for safety and connection in the Forerunners trip to Nashville from October 30-November 1.
Pray that God would bless the ministry to parents of teenagers here at OMPC, that the ParentU ADC would be a “soft landing” for new families visiting and assimilating to our church and that parents would realize that they are not alone but surrounded by a community of believers in this season of life.
Pray that the Young Professionals would grow in our love of Jesus, love of our church, and love of each other, grow in holiness and faithfulness and grow in our desire to reach our neighbors to raise up more worshippers of God.