Installation Service Sermon & Video Recording
On Sunday, November 26, our congregation gathered for an evening service of worship, a message by Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis Pastor George Robertson and the official installation of Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC! Click the videos above for a replay of the sermon by George Robertson and then the Evangel Presbytery vows and prayers to install Caleb as OMPC Lead Pastor. Caleb will officially begin in this role on January 1, 2024.
Caleb Click Installation Service
Join us for the Installation Service of OMPC’s next Lead Pastor Caleb Click on Sunday, November 26. We’ll gather for a worship service at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary including preaching from the Senior Minister of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN, George Robertson prior to Caleb’s installation. Following the Service, plan to stick around for a reception to meet Caleb, his wife Mallory, and their four girls.
Caleb will begin as OMPC Lead Pastor on January 1, 2024.
Letter From Caleb Click
Dear Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church,
A warm hello from the Click house! Words can’t describe how delighted we are to be joining our family to yours. The grace and relational authenticity you preach are the grace and authenticity we have experienced in every encounter with you. Through Bob, God has laid a rich gospel foundation, and we are excited for the opportunity to build upon it. We have sensed God’s hand on this from the very beginning and cannot wait to see his plan unfold in the years ahead.
We want to first express our profound gratitude. Thank you for faithfully praying for us even when you didn’t know us by name. We felt every one of those prayers. Thank you also for embracing and loving us when we visited you. Our prayer coming into last weekend was that it would feel like a homecoming, and by God’s grace, it did. And lastly, thank you for trusting us enough to extend this call. Christ’s goodness throughout this process has staggered our whole family.
As we consider what’s ahead, I keep returning to Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 2:16, “Who is sufficient for these things?” The answer to that question is, “Not me.” The answer is also not you. Not us. But Jesus is. His grace is sufficient, his power is made perfect in our weakness, and he is not only able but willing to make us what we are not (2 Cor. 3:5-6; 12:9).
At the end of C.S. Lewis’s The Last Battle, Aslan sprints off into a gloriously redeemed Narnia and shouts over his shoulder, “Come further in! Come further up!” The children take off after Aslan, following him further up and further into his country, this land they’ve been looking for their whole life and yet never knew until now. They discover they can’t feel afraid even if they try, and everything is more real, more solid than anything they’ve experienced before.
I pray that Christ will grant us a similar experience in the years ahead. We need him to take us further up and further into his goodness and mercy so that we can discover in him the home we looked for our whole lives but never knew. As we eagerly await our Savior’s return, may the sure knowledge of his presence so transform us that we cannot feel afraid even if we try, and may he empower us to continue to engage every neighbor with the surprising power of grace.
Please continue to pray for Mallory, Mary Neal, Alice, Lucy, Maggie, and me. We want to finish well at Perimeter and start well with you. Ask that the Lord would make our transition smooth and guide us through it as clearly as he has guided us to you. We are praying for you what you prayed for us – the words of Colossians 1:9-12.
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Yours in Christ,
Caleb, Mallory, Mary Neal, Alice, Lucy, and Maggie
Caleb Click Elected as Next OMPC Lead Pastor
“An Ebenezer Moment for OMPC”
It is with great joy to share that Caleb Click was elected as the next Lead Pastor of OMPC during this morning's Congregational Meeting!
Throughout our time this morning, we heard from the Pastoral Search Committee on the three phases of their search:
Phase 1 - Preparation: During this phase (which began a year ago this Fall!), we nominated and voted to approve our Pastoral Search Committee. This committee then began building a relationship with our consultants (McGowan Global Institute), who helped guide them in the next steps to prepare for the search. The PSC formed a preaching evaluation form, interviewed various other pastors who have experienced similar transitions and then held the Discovery Weekend with several OMPC members from various ages/stages/stages of involvement and years of membership.
Phase 2 - Evaluation: During Phase 2, the PSC began receiving applications for the Lead Pastor role at OMPC. Candidate sources included congregant nominations, connections from our consultants and referrals from other pastors. The PSC had 50 candidates to assess with their evaluation process, which they evaluated concurrently over the course of several months. The elements of evaluation included a review of the resume, listening to sermons, review of written articles and social media accounts, various interviews and reference checks. Through this process, the PSC narrowed the 50 candidates down to one candidate, Caleb Click. We were reminded this morning that the PSC was unanimous in their recommendation of Caleb as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC. And as we've heard many times, it was truly a "parade of providence" which led the committee to discover that Caleb "checked every box" and more!
Phase 3 - Recommendation, Vote and Installation: We are now in Phase 3. The PSC brought forth Caleb Click's name to our congregation on August 13, followed by a formal introduction letter which included Caleb's major educational and ministry accomplishments, as well as some personal information about himself and his family. Last Sunday, August 20, we received the Word preached by Caleb during 8:15 & 10:45 am services and then had the opportunity to hear from him on a more personal level during our combined 9:30 am gathering in the Sanctuary.
As a part of this morning's meeting introduction, Greg shared this to be an "Ebenezer moment" for our church. After over 34 years of faithful ministry as the Lead Pastor of OMPC, Bob is elated over all God is doing to bring forth Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor for the Lord's church at this time.
Now that Caleb has been voted upon and elected by our congregation as the next OMPC Lead Pastor, the next step is for him to be presented to, examined and approved by Evangel Presbytery in November.
Over the weeks and months ahead, please pray:
For Caleb, Mallory, Mary Neal, Alice, Lucy and Maggie as they prepare to transition to Birmingham and OMPC
For the Clicks to find a house
For Perimeter Church in this transition
For continued momentum for OMPC this Fall
For our hearts to savor time with Bob (Click here for information on our church-wide Celebration Sunday for Bob & Laurie!)
We are excited to see all the Lord has in store for OMPC in the years ahead. And we praise God for all he has done for his body at OMPC in this transition and over the last 34 years! To him be the glory forever!
Additional items covered during the meeting:
In accordance with the PCA Book of Church Order, OMPC approved the change of Bob Flayhart from Lead Pastor to Assistant Pastor, effective January 1, 2024.
As a congregation, we thanked and formally dismissed the Pastoral Search Committee from their work in the search process over the past 11 months. They received a standing ovation from the congregation.
Slides and Pictures from the August 27 Congregational Meeting
Candidating Weekend with Caleb Click
OMPC Lead Pastor Candidate Caleb Click and his wife, Mallory, visited OMPC this past weekend for his “Candidating Weekend” as the recommended Lead Pastor Candidate from the Pastoral Search Committee. On Thursday evening, Caleb and Mallory attended the Leadership Dinner with OMPC Elders, Women Shepherds, Undershepherds and Deacons. There, he shared his testimony and also how he has fallen in love with the gospel-centered culture that is so evident here at OMPC. Caleb and Mallory also spent time with one of our Shepherding Commissions, followed by a Q&A time with Caleb and the Session of OMPC. Following this Q&A, the Session unanimously approved the recommendation of the PSC for Caleb to serve as OMPC’s next Lead Pastor.
On Friday, Caleb and Mallory met the OMPC & Westminster Staff and had lunch with the Ministerial Staff Team to continue to build relationships with and among our OMPC Staff and the Clicks. Sunday, August 20, we welcomed Caleb to the podium as he preached on The Movement of Mercy, a sermon on 1 Timothy 1:12-17 during 8:15 & 10:45 am services. At 9:30 am, PSC Co-Chairs Scott Baker and Robyn Felton shared alongside Caleb the story of how we connected to him as a candidate, as well as how Caleb fits the values we have here at OMPC. Click here for Caleb’s sermon and check out the video below for the 9:30 am “Get to Know Caleb Click” Panel.
Join us this Sunday, August 27 at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary for our Congregational Meeting where we will hear more of the PSC’s process these last several months and then vote to approve Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC!
Congregational Meeting
Members of OMPC, please join us for a called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, August 27 at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary where we will hold a congregational vote to affirm the calling of Reverend Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC. The Pastoral Search Committee has unanimously approved their recommendation of Caleb to the congregation of OMPC. In addition, on Thursday, August 17, the OMPC Session also voted unanimously to approve his candidacy.
This meeting will include a time for the congregation to hear more of the work the committee has done to arrive at their unanimous recommendation of Caleb as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC. The floor will also be open for a time of Q&A from the congregation. Our process for voting will include a secret ballot that individual members will use to vote to approve or deny this recommendation.
Following the vote, in accordance with the PCA Book of Church Order, we will vote as a congregation to dissolve the relationship of Bob Flayhart as Lead Pastor of OMPC, effective January 1, 2024.
Lastly, we as a congregation will thank and dismiss the Pastoral Search Committee for the work they have done in their due diligence to prayerfully search, vet and settle on a lead pastor candidate for OMPC.
*Please note that there are no absentee votes for this meeting, in accordance with the BCO. All voting members must be present to vote.
Please contact Greg Poole with any questions regarding this congregational meeting.
Announcing the Lead Pastor Candidate for OMPC: Reverend Caleb Click
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On behalf of the Pastor Search Committee, we are humbled and grateful to introduce to you our unanimous recommendation for OMPC’s next Lead Pastor, Reverend Caleb Click.
Caleb currently serves at Perimeter Church (PCA) in Johns Creek, Georgia, where he is the Pastor of Spiritual and Theological Formation. Over the past seven years, he has served on Perimeter’s sermon preaching team in addition to speaking/teaching in a variety of other ministry formats.
Pastor of Spiritual and Theological Formation/Preaching Team, Perimeter Church, 2020 - Present
Young Adults Pastor/Preaching Team, Perimeter Church, 2016-2020
Pastor to Youth, First Presbyterian Church of Augusta, 2012-2016
Pastoral Intern, South City Church, 2011-2012
Middle School Youth Director, The Vine Community Church, 2007-2009
Doctor of Ministry, Western Seminary, Expected 2024
Master of Divinity, Covenant Theological Seminary, May 2012
Bachelor of Arts: History and Political Science, University of Georgia, December 2006
Caleb grew up in a family committed to Christ. During his high school years, his family moved to the metro Atlanta area where he attended Northview High School in Johns Creek, Georgia. He became involved in Perimeter Church (PCA) where he grew in his faith under the teaching and leadership of Founding Pastor, Randy Pope.
Caleb attended the University of Georgia where he graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science. It was in college where God’s gracious pursuit of Caleb’s heart started to
take root in deeper and more Spirit-filled ways. During this time, he was involved with Campus Outreach, continued studying Reformed theology, and became more open to a pathway to full-time Christian ministry. Following college graduation, Caleb served as the Middle School Youth Director at The Vine Community Church (PCA) in Cumming, Georgia, for two years. He continued to pursue God’s calling in Christian ministry through Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
It was during the season of transition to seminary when Caleb met his wife, Mallory, on a blind date, and they married in 2009. While in seminary, Caleb served as a Pastoral Intern at South City Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He completed his Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Seminary in 2012. Following graduation from seminary, Caleb and Mallory answered a call to move to Augusta, Georgia, where Caleb joined the staff at First Presbyterian Church Augusta (PCA) and served as their Pastor to Youth. While in this role, he benefited from the mentoring and leadership of Pastor George Robertson for four years until Perimeter Church and Randy Pope called them back to Atlanta in 2016.
By God’s grace, the Clicks have actively navigated with their Perimeter Church family a healthy, God-honoring transition from a founding pastor to new leadership. In 2020, Randy Pope, Perimeter’s Founding Pastor of 40 years, redeployed and remained on staff, and Jeff Norris was named Senior Pastor. Caleb witnessed firsthand and contributed to this humble and successful leadership transition, guided by helpful communication and planning among staff and church leadership. His unique perspective and experience in this area will prove invaluable to OMPC in the coming years.
Caleb and Mallory have four daughters: Mary Neal (8), twins Alice and Lucy (6), and Maggie (3). Their daughters currently attend Perimeter School, and their family has enjoyed a thriving and collaborative church and school partnership.
Caleb is a voracious reader, loves learning, exercise and fitness, and supports his Georgia Bulldogs. One of his favorite books and recommended readings is The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes. Other favorite theological influences include Augustine, Herman Bavinck, John Calvin, and Tim Keller.
Caleb is particularly gifted in and passionate about communicating and preaching the beauty of Christ through the Word of God and shaping a gospel culture that seeks to make
much of Jesus and his grace.
Above all, Caleb deeply loves Jesus. He has been radically shaped by the gospel, God’s loving and pursuing heart, and the Spirit’s active work in his life.
Sample Sermons from Caleb:
Encouraging Reflections About Caleb:
“Since 2012, when he came to Augusta out of school I recognized he had unique and defined gifts in presenting the gospel to all people groups and in leadership, vision and leading others....He has been faithful to whatever his call has been and grown deeply in his faith and as a person. Caleb’s top gifts are pastoral wisdom, a humble heart, living the fruits of the spirit and his sensitivity to people. This plays out publicly in his preaching of the word, his very high intelligence and intellectual ability. He is a tender soul but very, very strong physically and spiritually.”
“Caleb has a deep, abiding walk with the Lord, and he is a faithful friend who loves well, listens well, and doesn’t need to voice his opinion. He is a voracious reader who absolutely devours books, the most prolific reader I know. He is Perimeter’s Resident Scholar/Theologian: a theologian among theologians, and is passionate about compassion and justice issues...”
Mark your calendars for Sundays August 20 & 27!
Sunday, August 20: Caleb Click preaches at 8:15 & 10:45 am Services; "Get to Know Caleb Click" panel with the PSC at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary (for children, youth and adults)
Sunday, August 27: Congregational Meeting for voting on Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC
January 2024: Anticipated start date for Caleb Click as next Lead Pastor at OMPC
Important Pastor Search Committee Update
OMPC Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great rejoicing and deep gratitude to our Father that we send this update to you on behalf of the Pastor Search Committee. Following a rigorous evaluation of candidates from all over the nation and a Spirit-led discernment process, we are delighted to share with you that we have reached a unanimous recommendation for OMPC’s next lead pastor.
Over the next two weeks, we will share details about this pastor, his family, and their heartbeat for ministry together, as well as our team’s testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness in this process. We believe you’ll be encouraged by the way our paths have intersected at this specifically ordained time.
We will announce this man’s name and ministry experience to our congregation this Sunday, August 13, as we desire for him to be able to communicate appropriately with his own friends and congregation. For now, we can share with you that while he does reflect every aspect of our pastor profile, he and his family have also felt particularly and convincingly called to our church body. We can’t wait for you to meet them!
In the meantime, we want to share with you some important dates so you may come alongside us in the introduction of this man and prioritize your presence at our congregational vote.
8:15 am & 10:45 am Services // Announcement of recommended candidate name to congregation
9:30 am // Combined Discipleship Hour of Prayer (With emphasis on praying for the recommended candidate and OMPC’s upcoming transition)
8:15 am & 10:45 am Services // Lead Pastor Candidate Preaches
9:30 am // Combined Discipleship Hour in Sanctuary with children, youth and adults (PSC & Candidate Panel: “Get to Know the Lead Pastor Candidate”)
* Note that in light of this special Sunday at OMPC, our discipleship classes for children, youth and adults will be postponed until September 10. All other Fall Launch events will take place as scheduled!
9:30 am // Congregational Meeting in Sanctuary for congregational vote (Combined Discipleship hour for children, youth and adults)
This has been a year of following the path already set before us by a good, gracious, merciful, and kind Father. We have co-labored diligently as a team to walk it, but we have never once felt alone in this work. You have upheld us and encouraged us through your intercession, your notes, your words of affirmation, and in other ways we will never know. Thank you. We look forward to (finally!) being able to share with you our excitement and anticipation fully and without restraint in the coming days.
In His Service,
The OMPC Pastor Search Committee
Seeking the Lord Together
On Thursday, June 29, our congregation gathered for a night of prayer and worship, seeking the Lord’s direction with one another for the next lead pastor he has chosen for our church. We spent time praying for our Pastoral Search Committee, for the next Lead Pastor that the Lord has chosen for us, and for our hearts to respond individually and corporately in this season of transition at OMPC. Following the prayer and worship service, we gathered in fellowship with food from local food trucks! Check out some pictures below.
Click the button below for the prayer guide to continue to pray for the things shared at this gathering!
Pastoral Search Committee Update
MAY 2023
Hello Oak Mountain,
We want to first thank you for all your prayers, notes of support, and words of encouragement. We have deeply felt our body at OMPC lifting us up before the throne of grace, and we have felt supported in so many ways.
Thank you also to those who have submitted prayerfully considered nominations for our next lead pastor. Each name that has been nominated goes to our search firm (McGowan Global) for vetting, and we work in tandem with them to evaluate the candidates who have been nominated. If you have yet to nominate someone for our next lead pastor and still want to do so, click here.
As a quick update as of May 2023, we are following our search firm’s timeline and process closely, working through the sequential stages of vetting and evaluating candidates. Following an initial vetting by our search firm, our team then spends intentional time together in prayer, research, and discussion regarding each candidate.
Be encouraged: By God’s grace our committee is relationally connected, committed to the time investment this requires, and prayerfully working to serve our church and this process well. Our search firm’s guidance continues to be of great help, and we will continue following their processes, timelines, and procedures. Additionally, we have been excited about the pool of candidates, and we are encouraged about the future of OMPC as the Lord leads.
We invite you to continue to join our church on Tuesdays in fasting and praying for the pastoral search process and our committee as we work together under the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. Please pray Colossians 1:9-12 with us over this entire process and the work of our committee. We are grateful to the Lord for OMPC and humbled to be serving you.
The Pastoral Search Committee
Church & Pastor Profile
Our Pastoral Search Committee is now ready to enter into Phase 2 of our search! Click the link below to view our Church and Pastor Profile. This Profile was approved by the OMPC Session this week. Our Pastoral Search Committee, along with the guidance from our consultants, will share this profile with potential candidates as a way of introduction to our church and to learn of the qualifications of our next Lead Pastor.
The committee is now accepting nominations for OMPC Lead Pastor! If you have a potential candidate you'd like the committee to consider, please click the link below to submit his name and information for nomination.
On January 20 & 21, over 30 OMPC members were asked to share about OMPC's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth to help provide our consultants information on the state of our church before the actual search begins (Phase 2!). Watch this video for a Discovery Weekend recap and to hear more of how participants experienced the weekend.
The Pastoral Search Committee would like to invite our congregation to join them in prayer and fasting over this process in the weeks and months to come.
FASTING: Join the PSC in weekly fasting on Tuesdays until the breaking of bread Tuesday evening when the committee gathers to share, plan, and continue to move forward.
For the encouragement of the current ministry staff, and without fear, to allow the Spirit to move as he will.
The removal of distractions for the PSC as they commit time to hear from the Lord, intentionally pursuing his lead.
For courage, connection points, and clarity as candidates step out in faith
For a parade of providence to reveal OMPC’s future mouthpiece of the Lord
For joy in the Lord to be revealed as the foundational strength of this team and the OMPC congregation
For curious anticipation within the entire Oak Mountain community
As an ongoing prayer, please pray Colossians 1:9-12 over this process as we expectantly await the Father to bring the right fit of a Lead Pastor to OMPC!
Pastoral Search Timeline Update
It all begins with an idea.
As we continue into 2023, the Pastoral Search Committee has provided a timeline for the process of the Pastoral Search throughout the next several weeks. We are still in “Phase 1” which the consultants refer to as the “Preparation Phase.” Our committee has had several meetings to unite as a group as well as gather information on the process for this Pastoral Search.
Our Discovery Weekend on January 20-21 was a very encouraging time of gathering information on the “state of the church” among the 30+ members who were selected to be a part of that process. In addition to the information shared at the Discovery Weekend, select staff members were also able to provide a SWOT analysis of OMPC to the consultants. These interviews/sessions combined will provide us with a “Church Profile” that will be used to inform potential candidates of the culture of OMPC.
This Church Profile, along with the Pastor Profile (job description), will be finalized by the first week of March. Beginning that week you will also have the opportunity to nominate names of individuals whom you believe the Pastoral Search Committee and consultants ought to pursue for the role of Lead Pastor at OMPC. Over the following weeks and months, our committee will follow the lead of our consultants in pursuing and interviewing potential candidates for the position. Updates will be shared as appropriate along the way!
Pastoral Search Committee Update
It all begins with an idea.
Happy new year, OMPC!
Thank you for your encouragement, trust, and prayers! We have felt supported and bolstered already in this process, and we are only beginning. We sense the Lord at work, and we are resting in and surrendering to His timeline, path, and guidance. Thank you for your part in it.
Our team has been meeting regularly since November working to build trust and rapport among the team; learning the search process under the guidance of our consultants, McGowan Global; and praying for the upcoming transition for both our church, and for the man we will eventually welcome to OMPC.
As a team, we have selected the following chairs for our team:
Co-Chairs: Scott Baker and Robyn Felton
Communications Chair: Nathan Kirkpatrick
Prayer Chair: Lisa Donohue
We have felt guided and protected by McGowan Global. Their advice, counsel, and experience prove to be a means of grace in this journey, and by God’s grace, we continue to develop with them a healthy trust and line of communication.
Coming Up:
Over the weekend of January 20-21, McGowan will conduct our “Discovery Weekend,” at which they will speak with a cross-section of engaged church members to learn more about OMPC, our culture, and distinctives. The insights gathered from these interviews will help inform our search as we seek and evaluate candidates who fully align with our congregation’s values and vision for the future.
Eventually we will invite nominations through a form located here on our website, and we will communicate when that link is open to do so.
Pray With Us:
Join us in praying through Colossians 1:9-12 during this process:
“And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”
Pastoral Search Committee Co-Chairs Named
Our Pastoral Search Committee has nominated its Co-Chairs! Scott Baker and Robyn Felton will serve as Co-Chairs for this committee. So far the team has gathered to learn more about what this process entails. They are also preparing for a Discovery Weekend coming up in January. The Discovery Weekend will involve meeting with members of our congregation to learn more about the "state of the church" and what we are looking for in a Lead Pastor. Continue to pray for our committee as they faithfully serve in this capacity in the weeks and months ahead!
Scott Baker
Robyn Felton
Pastoral Search Committee Process & Timeline
It all begins with an idea.
We look forward to receiving candidate nominations from OMPC members. The PSC is currently working to create a secure, online portal through which we will formally receive nominations. Once this process is finalized, we will communicate the formal nomination process to the congregation, and the link to participate will be provided here.
On September 18, Bob announced his plan for transitioning out of the role of Lead Pastor and into "redeployment" focusing on discipleship at and through OMPC. Bob will continue to serve as Lead Pastor for the next several months. Between now and the time of his official transition, our church has the opportunity to walk through the process of searching for God’s next leader to step into the role of Lead Pastor at OMPC.
Throughout the first two weeks of October, our congregation submitted nominations for our Pastoral Search Committee. Our final slate of candidates has been selected; Click the button to view our Pastoral Search Committee Nominees! These nine individuals were vetted by the Session to be chosen for this committee. Each individual is a member in good standing at OMPC, committed to attending Sunday morning worship, actively involved in the life of the church, and holds unwavering commitment to OMPC's values & vision. Additionally, each candidate has prayerfully considered his/her involvement on this committee and has agreed to serve the church in this capacity.
On October 30 we gathered for a Congregational Meeting to vote and approve the slate of candidates to serve on our Pastoral Search Committee.
We will continue to keep you informed of information regarding this process as we go along. You can also find more information through the buttons below the video:
Continue to pray for our church and our Pastoral Search Committee as God leads us to the next Lead Pastor to take the baton and run with grace at OMPC.
Pastoral Transition Announcement
Bob’s announcement of his plan for redeployment.
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” - 1 Corinthians 9:24
On Sunday, September 18, Bob concluded his sermon announcing his plan for transitioning out of the role as Lead Pastor at OMPC. He will be transitioning into “redeployment” in a new role focused on discipleship here at OMPC and around the world. This transition has been on his heart for many years now and has involved input and wisdom from the Session, a Transition Team, and professional consultants who have provided guidance and leadership leading up to this announcement today. Both Bob and the Session agree that now is the time to share this with the congregation as we begin the search for our next Lead Pastor who will officially transition into the role effective January 2024.
Take a moment to watch this message from Bob in the video above, and celebrate all God has done and is doing at OMPC and through Bob in his transition to redeployment!
As Bob shared, he will not be leaving OMPC when transitioning from the Lead Pastor role. He will be “redeployed” into ministry through OMPC!
This includes:
Taking the Gospel Waltz to various churches Over the Fence, Over the Mountain and Overseas
Leading in OMPC becoming a “resource church” to pour into other churches and church leaders
Discipling OMPC members and other young church leaders around the country and the world
Serving as a resource to the next Lead Pastor as he takes our vision and carries it on with energy and enthusiasm
More details on Bob’s specific role and calling into redeployment will be shared closer to the time of his transition out of the role of Lead Pastor.
Transition Timeline
*PSC is Pastoral Search Committee