Pastoral Search Timeline Update

As we continue into 2023, the Pastoral Search Committee has provided a timeline for the process of the Pastoral Search throughout the next several weeks. We are still in “Phase 1” which the consultants refer to as the “Preparation Phase.” Our committee has had several meetings to unite as a group as well as gather information on the process for this Pastoral Search.

Our Discovery Weekend on January 20-21 was a very encouraging time of gathering information on the “state of the church” among the 30+ members who were selected to be a part of that process. In addition to the information shared at the Discovery Weekend, select staff members were also able to provide a SWOT analysis of OMPC to the consultants. These interviews/sessions combined will provide us with a “Church Profile” that will be used to inform potential candidates of the culture of OMPC.

This Church Profile, along with the Pastor Profile (job description), will be finalized by the first week of March. Beginning that week you will also have the opportunity to nominate names of individuals whom you believe the Pastoral Search Committee and consultants ought to pursue for the role of Lead Pastor at OMPC. Over the following weeks and months, our committee will follow the lead of our consultants in pursuing and interviewing potential candidates for the position. Updates will be shared as appropriate along the way!


Church & Pastor Profile


Pastoral Search Committee Update