Announcing the Lead Pastor Candidate for OMPC: Reverend Caleb Click
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On behalf of the Pastor Search Committee, we are humbled and grateful to introduce to you our unanimous recommendation for OMPC’s next Lead Pastor, Reverend Caleb Click.
Caleb currently serves at Perimeter Church (PCA) in Johns Creek, Georgia, where he is the Pastor of Spiritual and Theological Formation. Over the past seven years, he has served on Perimeter’s sermon preaching team in addition to speaking/teaching in a variety of other ministry formats.
Pastor of Spiritual and Theological Formation/Preaching Team, Perimeter Church, 2020 - Present
Young Adults Pastor/Preaching Team, Perimeter Church, 2016-2020
Pastor to Youth, First Presbyterian Church of Augusta, 2012-2016
Pastoral Intern, South City Church, 2011-2012
Middle School Youth Director, The Vine Community Church, 2007-2009
Doctor of Ministry, Western Seminary, Expected 2024
Master of Divinity, Covenant Theological Seminary, May 2012
Bachelor of Arts: History and Political Science, University of Georgia, December 2006
Caleb grew up in a family committed to Christ. During his high school years, his family moved to the metro Atlanta area where he attended Northview High School in Johns Creek, Georgia. He became involved in Perimeter Church (PCA) where he grew in his faith under the teaching and leadership of Founding Pastor, Randy Pope.
Caleb attended the University of Georgia where he graduated in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Political Science. It was in college where God’s gracious pursuit of Caleb’s heart started to
take root in deeper and more Spirit-filled ways. During this time, he was involved with Campus Outreach, continued studying Reformed theology, and became more open to a pathway to full-time Christian ministry. Following college graduation, Caleb served as the Middle School Youth Director at The Vine Community Church (PCA) in Cumming, Georgia, for two years. He continued to pursue God’s calling in Christian ministry through Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
It was during the season of transition to seminary when Caleb met his wife, Mallory, on a blind date, and they married in 2009. While in seminary, Caleb served as a Pastoral Intern at South City Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He completed his Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Seminary in 2012. Following graduation from seminary, Caleb and Mallory answered a call to move to Augusta, Georgia, where Caleb joined the staff at First Presbyterian Church Augusta (PCA) and served as their Pastor to Youth. While in this role, he benefited from the mentoring and leadership of Pastor George Robertson for four years until Perimeter Church and Randy Pope called them back to Atlanta in 2016.
By God’s grace, the Clicks have actively navigated with their Perimeter Church family a healthy, God-honoring transition from a founding pastor to new leadership. In 2020, Randy Pope, Perimeter’s Founding Pastor of 40 years, redeployed and remained on staff, and Jeff Norris was named Senior Pastor. Caleb witnessed firsthand and contributed to this humble and successful leadership transition, guided by helpful communication and planning among staff and church leadership. His unique perspective and experience in this area will prove invaluable to OMPC in the coming years.
Caleb and Mallory have four daughters: Mary Neal (8), twins Alice and Lucy (6), and Maggie (3). Their daughters currently attend Perimeter School, and their family has enjoyed a thriving and collaborative church and school partnership.
Caleb is a voracious reader, loves learning, exercise and fitness, and supports his Georgia Bulldogs. One of his favorite books and recommended readings is The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes. Other favorite theological influences include Augustine, Herman Bavinck, John Calvin, and Tim Keller.
Caleb is particularly gifted in and passionate about communicating and preaching the beauty of Christ through the Word of God and shaping a gospel culture that seeks to make
much of Jesus and his grace.
Above all, Caleb deeply loves Jesus. He has been radically shaped by the gospel, God’s loving and pursuing heart, and the Spirit’s active work in his life.
Sample Sermons from Caleb:
Encouraging Reflections About Caleb:
“Since 2012, when he came to Augusta out of school I recognized he had unique and defined gifts in presenting the gospel to all people groups and in leadership, vision and leading others....He has been faithful to whatever his call has been and grown deeply in his faith and as a person. Caleb’s top gifts are pastoral wisdom, a humble heart, living the fruits of the spirit and his sensitivity to people. This plays out publicly in his preaching of the word, his very high intelligence and intellectual ability. He is a tender soul but very, very strong physically and spiritually.”
“Caleb has a deep, abiding walk with the Lord, and he is a faithful friend who loves well, listens well, and doesn’t need to voice his opinion. He is a voracious reader who absolutely devours books, the most prolific reader I know. He is Perimeter’s Resident Scholar/Theologian: a theologian among theologians, and is passionate about compassion and justice issues...”
Mark your calendars for Sundays August 20 & 27!
Sunday, August 20: Caleb Click preaches at 8:15 & 10:45 am Services; "Get to Know Caleb Click" panel with the PSC at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary (for children, youth and adults)
Sunday, August 27: Congregational Meeting for voting on Caleb Click as the next Lead Pastor at OMPC
January 2024: Anticipated start date for Caleb Click as next Lead Pastor at OMPC