Pastoral Search Committee Update

MAY 2023

Hello Oak Mountain,

We want to first thank you for all your prayers, notes of support, and words of encouragement. We have deeply felt our body at OMPC lifting us up before the throne of grace, and we have felt supported in so many ways.

Thank you also to those who have submitted prayerfully considered nominations for our next lead pastor. Each name that has been nominated goes to our search firm (McGowan Global) for vetting, and we work in tandem with them to evaluate the candidates who have been nominated. If you have yet to nominate someone for our next lead pastor and still want to do so, click here.

As a quick update as of May 2023, we are following our search firm’s timeline and process closely, working through the sequential stages of vetting and evaluating candidates. Following an initial vetting by our search firm, our team then spends intentional time together in prayer, research, and discussion regarding each candidate.
Be encouraged: By God’s grace our committee is relationally connected, committed to the time investment this requires, and prayerfully working to serve our church and this process well. Our search firm’s guidance continues to be of great help, and we will continue following their processes, timelines, and procedures. Additionally, we have been excited about the pool of candidates, and we are encouraged about the future of OMPC as the Lord leads.

We invite you to continue to join our church on Tuesdays in fasting and praying for the pastoral search process and our committee as we work together under the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. Please pray Colossians 1:9-12 with us over this entire process and the work of our committee. We are grateful to the Lord for OMPC and humbled to be serving you.


The Pastoral Search Committee



Seeking the Lord Together


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