VBS Missions Project

Imagine, if you will, waking up at 4:00 AM each morning and walking 5 miles, round trip, to get water to start your day. I confess that is not how I would want my day to start. For many people in Tanzania it is their everyday life and it is often a couple trips each day. In addition to the distance the trips include danger from crocodiles, poisonous snakes and people who wish to harm them. Once you get home with the water, you must build a fire and boil the water to make it drinkable. 

Hearing what these people are experiencing on a daily basis breaks my heart. Especially since we don’t have to give it a thought as we get a glass of water out of the faucet. There are hundreds of villages in Tanzania that do not have a well and it would be great to be able to get wells for all of them. The reality is it is not financially possible. What we can consider is taking care of one village the way we would like to take care of them all. 

We have a monumental goal this year for the VBS mission’s project to supply a village in Tanzania with a well. To do this we need to raise $10,000! It works out to about $25 for each child who attends VBS. I know that is a lot of money to raise in a week, so I am encouraging the kids to start finding ways to earn money before VBS begins. It’s the largest amount of money we have ever tried to raise at VBS but I believe we have a BIG GOD who can use each of us to change a village full of people’s lives. 

In His Service,

Tim McCracken
OMPC Children’s Pastor


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