This year our missions project vision is to raise funds to build a “chickery” for an orphanage in Ghana, Africa. A chickery is a giant chicken coop that will supply eggs for the children, providing an excellent source of protein which they desperately need. Having this source of eggs will also help them move toward creating a self-sustaining farm by teaching the children how to run a business by selling eggs to the public. In addition, the chicken waste will be used to fertilize the fruits and vegetables they plan on growing in the future.
The total cost for this project is $16,500. This includes a 3,000 square foot chickery and 750 chickens. All VBS participants have received this vision for our project and have been challenged to already begin raising funds to bring with them on the first day of VBS!
Click the image above for a fun visionary video, and prayerfully consider supporting this year's goal for our VBS missions project! Click the button below and select "VBS Missions Project" to give online.