Compassion Groups | Beginning September 11
Compassion Groups are back for Fall 2022! Take a look at the group listing, and register through the link below. All Groups meet from 4:00 - 5:30 pm from September 11 - December 4.
DivorceCare: Room C-242
A support group for people who are walking through separation or divorce.
GriefShare: Room C-241
A caring group to help walk alongside those grieving the death of a family member or friend.
Lion Bridge: Meets off campus at 100 Shadow Wood Park to provide more group confidentiality and is also fee-based. Please contact Lisa Donohue, the group facilitator, for more specific information about this group offering.
An 8-week small group open to adults who desire to understand mental health with greater compassion. Together we address common life issues accompanying a mental health diagnosis through the lens of psychology, culture, and theology. Using professional counseling videos, curriculum provided by the Sanctuary Health Ministries, professional mental health facilitation, and guided conversation, the recovery journey becomes a lived experience. Includes a binder full of grace-focused mental wellness information, professional video access, a list of faith-based counselors and coaches, resources, and new friendships to share the frustrations and conversations. Register for this class HERE.
“To Be Told” Group—Healing the Wounded Heart: Room C-240
The work of evil is to make life common, yet our stories push against this with the anticipation of hope. Everyone has a story that needs to be told and heard - a story of faith, hope, and love often touched by betrayal, powerlessness, harm, and heartache. Our own life story is the thing that most influences and shapes our outlook, our tendencies, our choices, and our decisions, and yet we often don’t give it a second thought. These are the stories that work as barriers to our truest calling: to love God, ourselves, and one another. In the process of telling and hearing our stories, often something transformative happens: people find the hope of redemption. Within your story is the story of God. This group is for those who want to create space to explore the impact of your story through an integration of instruction, listening, and sharing in a group work narrative setting. Join us in sharing your story.
More info: Shelly Gentry