101 New Members
New Leadership Commissions: 1 Elder; 2 Deacons; 7 Women Shepherds
Receiving new members and communicant children on December 3, 2023.
Last Discover OMPC with Bob Flayhart.
Installation Service and prayer for P.D. Mayfield and Dax Gibson.
Women Shepherd commissioning on August 27, 2023.
P.D. Mayfield, Pastor of Shepherding Care
Dax Gibson, Pastor of Life Groups, New Members and Outreach
Caroline Rives, JrHi Girls Coordinator
Stephanie Maxey, Guest and New Member Coordinator
Morgan Nordyke, Missions Coordinator
Kendra Knowles, Financial & HR Coordinator
Haylee Stuart, Mustard Seeds Coordinator
Katherine O’Neal, Nursery Coordinator
Megan Elliott, New role as Children’s Ministry Assistant
Jenn Trucks, Assistant to Executive Suite
Tim McCracken, New role as Pastor of Visitation and Care
Kids Musical, Please Come Home.
20th Annual Bullfrog Choir
April 27-30, Blue Mountain Beach, FL
81 Women went on a retreat diving into what it means to belong to the Lord and the body of Christ.
“As I reflect on my time at the retreat, I’m beginning to realize that It’s often in the places where I feel most vulnerable that the Lord allows me to experience the deepest connection and belonging.”
JrHi The Edge: 57 students
SrHi Beach Retreat: 71 students
JrHi Getaway: 68 students
SrHi Winter Advance: 78 students
“It’s always amazing to see the walls between grades, schools, and friend groups be torn down through retreats...students came as acquaintances and left with Christ-centered meaningful friendships.”
76 Fathers & Sons attended a weekend-long retreat full of worship, teaching, games and bonding time for dads and their boys!
“This weekend helps create and nurture a bond that is already forming between us. It’s an example of how we should go to the Lord with all our problems, worries, praises, which I want my son to do, just like I want him to come to me with questions about anything he is thinking or dealing with.”
31 Young Professionals spent time away for the weekend to enjoy fellowship with one another and time with the Lord.
At the end of October, our Forerunners joined with others from Asbury United Methodist Church for a trip to Nashville, Tennessee, where they saw shows, received tours and experienced all the city has to offer! This was a great time of fellowship and connection for our 30 Forerunners at OMPC.
Engaging in Discipleship and Spiritual Growth Together
2023 Church-wide Devotional: New Morning Mercies
As a church we walked through the book New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. Through this devotional, we encouraged our congregation to spend daily time with the Lord. Each Sunday’s worship service started with a call to worship using a passage of scripture during the following week’s devotional readings.
Combined Discipleship: The PCA & Human Sexuality
OMPC Men gathered for a morning of diving into the study of God’s Word using the Seeing Jesus Together Journal, which is the 2024 Bible Reading Tool for OMPC! There were 50 men in attendance at this event led by Journal creator, Ted Sinn.
Our Young Professionals Ministry also hosted their second “Elephant in the Room” mini-conference, this time calling it “Elephant in the Room 2.0.” Throughout this two-day event, community leaders shared on God’s design for men and women, diving into how the Gospel defines God’s roles and intent for males and females. Nearly 60 YoPros attended this event.
OMPC Women’s Ministry hosted a panel of three wise counselors, Kara Jones, Heather Parker and Julie Sparkman, to discuss together what it looks like to engage in biblical friendship during an age of loneliness in our culture. CLICK HERE for a replay of this event!
Our Women’s Ministry also hosted the second Strength in Weakness event that drew over 165 women to hear testimonies of God’s grace from OMPC Women in their times of suffering and weakness. This event is a testimony of the culture here at OMPC: that we, individually and as a church body, are deeply dependent on the Lord’s strength in our weakness.
Gospel-Centered Community at OMPC
The Gospel Waltz Journey continues to impact lives at OMPC! 93 men and women' attended this year’s retreat.