Vision for 2023

As we look ahead to 2023, we anticipate the transition and changes that will take place toward the end of the year surrounding Bob’s replacement as Lead Pastor. While this is a big adjustment on the horizon for OMPC, the Lord is in control and knows exactly who should fill his shoes as well as how this process will take place for our church. We encourage you to continue to pray for OMPC and this transition and to trust the Lord who holds all things together! 

As mentioned in our Vision Framework at the beginning of this review, our strategy for fulfilling our mission at OMPC is to: Seek grace from God, share grace in community, show grace to all. 

Looking ahead at 2023, we desire for all OMPC members to engage in this strategy as members of this church! Seeking grace from God involves committing to regular, corporate worship. There is a supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit among believers worshipping together. Don’t forsake the gathering with others in the local church! Join us regularly on Sundays and invite others around you to do the same!

Sharing grace in community involves plugging in with a Life Group, Gospel Waltz or Battle Group, Adult Discipleship Class, or any of our ongoing ministry events and activities! The opportunities for connecting in community at OMPC are never lacking! We hope you read and experienced some of the powerful impact that engaging in community at OMPC has had on our membership through this review from 2022. And sharing grace in community is not meant to be inward-facing but rather propelling outward over the pew, over the fence, over the mountain and overseas!

This propelling outward leads us to show grace to all. How is God calling you to serve Him and His Kingdom in 2023? That could be right here within the walls of OMPC serving as a Sunday morning Greeter or Oak Kids Seed Planter. That could involve supporting adoptive and foster care parents within our congregation or community through Porch Light. It could also involve serving “Over the Mountain” alongside one of our many ministry partners. Our momentum in sending teams overseas in 2022 will continue in 2023, with trips already planned for youth through adults!

As Lead Pastor Bob Flayhart puts it, don’t get stuck in the “grace hot tub.” Rather, Waltz in your walk with Jesus, continuously repenting, believing and fighting as a part of OMPC, among other believers, for the sake of His Kingdom! Here’s to a grace-filled, impactful 2023!


Westminster School at Oak Mountain